Generation of 21st century is restless and worried by the unending list of career options. Never did we witness such career options before as we see them now. Tasting the success is not all that easy unless one thinks big, and plan with futuristic vision and mindset to find the appropriate choice that matches with, both the qualification and inner desire. There are countless options that are valid to the changing times, right from Software engineering, Architecture, Fashion designing, to Space travel, Nuclear Physics, Bio-medical engineering, Optic fibres, Sono-chemistry and many more. Each in turn further offers varied specific choices that stand better gold and will take one into the promising decades. Besides, it is significant to think about other countless futuristic options. It is very clear that informatics and web designing will be the leaders in the 21st century. In the maddening race for success in Micro-soft era, present day students are entering into an ugly competition for potential subject combinations, which they believe will take them into the promising land of Silicon valley.
This revolutionary transformation has come about in the recent years. At one time there was a heavy rush for admissions to Pure Sciences and their combinations, today it is Business management, IT and Accountancy. Literally, every young buddy would like to possess either a Pentium 4 computer or a lap-top. No doubt, the IT sector is the fastest and the most popular emerging sectors of potential employment in the country. To make vital decision with regard to subject choice to careers, students should be aware of the requisite information such as areas of work, the minimum eligible entry, academic and personal. The objective here is to help the aspiring young boys and girls in their prospects for the future.
A career decision is one that sets tone and new dimension for a comfortable life. Meticulous planning and strategy is of crucial importance. We presume that this site will enable pupils and parents to know the choice of careers that suit their abilities.