• There are some things about the profession of education, which cause some people to avoid choosing it as a lifetime job and others already in it to get out. It is wise to take these things into account before accepting one. 
  • The training period necessary to enter the vocation is lengthening; Pay package is too low in comparison with other jobs; besides, they are not in line with the rising cost of the standard of living , the responsibilities attached, and the services rendered.
  • No one can get his job and then feel rest assured and rely on his accolades. Even the prescribed qualifications and experience are getting outmoded; improvement in qualification is necessary for sustenance as well as continuance.
  • The teacher cannot remain always with his own profound moods; he must spend much of his precious time on research.
  • The mental and nervous strain is great; the desire to do well, the apparent failure of some pupils to learn, disciplinary problems, and unworthy pupils all take their toll. Working with human beings is the most challenging task on earth;
  • Sometimes teaching and even non-teaching staff must take unwarranted abuse; they may be blamed by irate parents for the failure or low grades of pupils.
  • In some societies teachers are evaluated under x-ray eyes. At times, their ideas and philosophies are in question too.