The blackboard is probably the most popular and widely used visual aid. It is one of those conventional things which a new recruit in teaching profession can take it as granted the moment he enters the classroom of any area of any country. You cannot sideline this just because there are other alternatives to it. Even the arrival of the Computers and LCDs can not eliminate the existence of blackboard. Properly used it may be of tremendous value in all kinds of teaching. Every teacher finds the blackboard a convenient and effective visual aid, one that permits contrast, implies action, and helps the student in his note-taking. He can use the blackboard to enumerate items, the important points of his lesson, or to draw flow charts or illustrations for the class. He can solve problems on the blackboard. It is an excellent supplement to other teaching aids. He can get contrast on the blackboard by using heavy and light chalk strokes. Color chalks, such as green and yellow, helps the teacher in teaching, and helps the student grasp the subject matter quickly. Neatness and orderly arrangement of blackboard material is eye catching and contribute to increase in memory. The methodical use of blackboard keeps up tempo of the class. The students watch teacher’s movements. They remember and imitate what he does. As a point clincher the blackboard is and unequalled. The salient points of a subject may be driven home with a piece of chalk and a blackboard. The teachers have twin objectives of putting their story across when they present it verbally and then place the key points on a blackboard.
The teacher can use the blackboard to depict and hammer the following list of items:
How to present the Blackboard material: During the presentation of the subject, accent the positive at the appropriate moment. Place the material on the blackboard to clinch the idea and to gain the utmost benefit. a) Use a pointer How to use the blackboard: The blackboard is more or less like a store window. Everyone knows that an overcrowded, dirty, and untidy window display has little shopping value as compared to the one that is clean, orderly and displays a few selected items. Tips for using the blackboard: a) Prepare the complicated blackboard layouts before the group meets. A good bulletin board is a vital tool to develop efficiency and to add up to good blackboard work along with other teaching aids. The role of an instructor in the bulletin board system:
The illustrations which are used on the bulletin board may be recovered from the display and used during subject matter presentation. If the bulletin board is portable, place it in front of the classroom, and if the illustrations are large enough for everyone to see, it will not be necessary to remove the pictures. It is also helpful to have the illustrations arranged on the bulletin board in the proper sequence. An important blackboard outline may be transported to the bulletin board in simple chart form at the completion of the subject under discussion. Illustrations pertaining to this specific outline may also be displayed. Subject matter presented by motion pictures, film strips, slides etc may be reviewed by displaying related material on the bulletin board immediately after the showing. Interesting titles may be prepared by cutting them from magazines and newspapers. Do’s for using the Bulletin board