“To assign a lesson is to designate a more or less definite portion of subject- matter to be acquired, assimilated, and put into some form of expression.”- Roark

The Assignment is considered as the catalyst of a learning process. It is the pupil’s sailing direction towards the accomplishment of the futuristic goal. It is the chief means of directing learning activities carried on outside the classroom. It is generally regarded as the most important phase of teaching-learning activity. It is also one of the important elements in classroom management. When we refer to assignment in school work, we mean a particular piece of work to be done by the pupils under certain conditions and in certain ways. It may include a problem to be solved, reading to be done, themes to be written, questions to be answered, projects to be carried through, a practice to be performed, and the like. It also plays a key role during the study period that was set aside for the preparation of the lesson for the next day.

The significance of the assignment in the technique at teaching has remained unquestioned. The assignment offers the greatest opportunity for giving direction to learning activities through the setting up of objectives. It is also the determining factor in directing the development of effective study habits. The basic aim of the assignment is to give the pupils definite work to do, to guide and stimulate them to the performance of such work which will result in educative experience.

The assignment period should be devoted partly to motivation. Study is most effective when highly motivated. The assignment should point out a goal to be reached and an ideal to be realized. It is the pupil’s “sailing direction”. It should be a spur to interest, a challenge to an effort and a guide to a thought. While giving the assignment, the teacher should try to bring out a new twist to the lesson and recommend interesting types of activities. The teacher must also regard the assignment period as a time for cooperative thinking and suggestion.

The significance of assignment to the teacher cannot be overlooked. The development of good assignment is the essence of teacher’s work. Time, effort, initiative and imagination are involved in the process. It is in the assignment that innovative practice is developed and ground-work for understanding is realized. The assignment determines the learning to be experienced by the pupils and teaching to be done by the teacher. The assignment offers the greatest opportunity for the teacher to do good quality teaching.