The teacher carries out guidance in different ways. He will vary his method according to the capacity of the individual pupil, needs, and according to the subject matter. The teacher guides more definitely and deliberately by means of discussion, by giving advice on concrete problems, and personal one to one conversation with his pupils.
Action depends on feeling. If we crave for right action, we must secure right feeling. Our teaching will be one-sided and distorted unless we take into account the necessity for helping the child to develop stable emotional life. Education is encouragement Teaching is not only encouragement. The teacher has to guide his students to learn right things, and to learn them in a best way so that in matters of skill, time and energy are not wasted, and the desired results are obtained. He has to guide his children in the way they study and learn. He has to train their emotions. He has to set decent standards of work and conduct. |
The late President Eliot of Harvard once said,
"The supreme value of a teacher lies not in the regular performance of routine duties, but in his power to lead and inspire his students through the influence of his own mental and moral personality and example". N.L. Bossing, Progressive Methods of Teaching in secondary schools, pp.45-6 ( Harrap ). |