Facts are basic in counseling. Counseling takes off only after the facts are poured in. If such information is to be handy, then a comprehensive system of records shall have to be kept and maintained.

Records should include the collected information on pupils, such as their scheme of studies, their scholastic standing, their mental age, their wide range of interest and aptitudes, their health condition, their home environment and hobbies, etc. The information may include typical problems about certain section of pupils that has come to lime light. Perhaps a pupil has held a prefectorial appointment, has outstanding accomplishments , has been involved in a school fracas, or has exhibited marked personal traits on campus sites. These things should not go into wilderness. If they are logically recorded and interpreted, their accumulated data is likely to form the factual basis for most vital counseling later. The anecdotal record is meant to preserve this type of content. Under this system a special file is earmarked for each pupil, and teachers and other student counselors who observe pupils closely are urged to induct into the file short summary of behavior they consider crucial to take into account. A good record system will also include reports of all the personal meetings or interactions held with pupils.

Records adequate to the placement services of the counseling program should also be kept. Besides, records relating to employment and to educational opportunities must be matched skillfully against records relating to the specific individual.

One of the notable developments during the last few decades in counseling is the emergence of cumulative record. This record carries the reports on a pupil for a number of years, covering one level to another. Also, the cumulative record is intended to keep track of the pupil as long as he is in school. If he transfers from one public school to another, or if he moves to another town or city high school or college, his record follows him. It contains an extra-information more than the regular records that are piled up on pupils. In addition to the candidate’s name, his mother tongue, parental details, including annual income, sex, birth date and place, school, section, grade, mental and chronological age, etc, the locations he has lived in are indicated. It also speaks about his academic adviser, his House-master, his coach, his attendance and discipline record along with his optional subjects, his marks and credits, his scores and percentiles on achievements tests.

The record shows the pupil’s relative standing in various subject areas and to connect these standings to produce a curve over a period of academic years. A quick glance will tell the story of high or low standing, consistency or fluctuation in any study that was continued for any length of time.

Space is also provided for reporting on home influences and cooperation, mental and emotional disturbances, physical and athletic record, extracurricular activities and interests, notable awards and experiences, and educational plans. Personality ratings by principals, counselors, or others qualified to judge may also be entered. It is crystal clear therefore that the record is more complete as a precious tool for Counseling than the usual record. As the record becomes cumulative for consecutive school years, it becomes even more significant. Its use in the developed countries is becoming more and more widespread. Some colleges are signaling that if the secondary schools will do a thorough job of keeping the cumulative record to objectivity and subjectivity, the colleges will include the record while deciding cases during the admission process.