GATE | |
GMAT | |
Many corporate companies organize Group discussion after the written test so as to assess the candidate’s interactive skills and determine how polished the candidates are at communicating with other people. It becomes extremely important in the modern recruitment process. This GD technique serves as an preliminary tool to weed out dumb, dull, pessimistic candidates and opt for those with creditable and proven traits for further intensive evaluation.
The Group discussion is to obtain the first hand view how the candidates behave, involve, and contribute in a group; how much significance do they give to the group goals as well as individual; how sincerely do they listen to the view points of others and how open-minded are they in accepting views contrary to others.
Group Discussion is a substitute to an interview and takes place among candidates themselves. Usually, the candidates are of the homogenous composition… such as the same age level, similar qualifications, experience etc. They are all gathered and asked to discus a subject in free and fair manner. It is likely a group means eight to ten candidates. The candidates in a group will have complete liberty to air their views, as they wish.
The examiner will not dictate terms either on time limit or who should speak first or last and so on. All these will be left to the discretion of group members to sort out. The best and the only guidance the examiner would give is limited to the choice of the subject for discussion and the medium of language. As for the subject of discussion, the examiner may give a couple of topics and ask the group to choose any one of them and then proceed to discuss the same.
Group Discussion is not equated with debate. It is very informal and not conditioned by any procedural rules. Here anyone can say what he/she pleases. He can talk or he may remain aloof. He can speak in favor of the subject, against it or follow a neutral path.
In Group discussion, the examiner does not act as the leader. He recedes into the background. Once the group starts interaction, he observes from behind as a silent observer.
Valuable suggestions related Group Discussion
- Initiating the discussion is the prime concern. However, it isn’t be all and end all; what is important is that you speak for a sufficient time in order to communicate effectively and put across your view point.
- A reasonable background of general awareness will come in handy so that you aren’t at loss of words on some issues.
- Understand the topic from all angles and analyze it mentally before you express opinion.
- Be clear about the purpose
- One should be able to communicate one’s views in an impressive and confident manner to everyone. Be clear in speech, audible, of course, not too loud.
- Recall the vital six C’s communication – clarity, completeness, conciseness, confidence, correctness and courtesy
- You should have the eye contact with rest of the people in the group and not target a particular person for he may benefit from that. Be receptive to ideas from others and be open-minded. At the same time, don’t allow others to alter your view.
- Always maintain your calmness.
- Never lose temper and become hostile and aggressive.
- Never lose your cool composure and attack anyone on a personal front. Your whole attitude should be one of co-operation and not of conflict.
- Don’t lose sight of the goal of the Discussion
- Be patient and listen to any adverse criticisms.